
The NDDS-300 Shipboard Data Distribution System (GBDS) collects information from different data sources and sensors on board the ship, or information requested by other systems, and distributes it to various devices.

In addition to collecting data from the sources connected to it, the NDDS-300 GBDS performs a number of additional functions. These include

Automatic or manual selection of data according to priority, processing of some data within the framework of certain algorithms and sending them to the necessary places,
Converting some data into the formats required by the units to be sent and transmitting them at the desired speed, frequency and format,
It also performs functions such as.

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Bypass Unit

Bypass Unit is designed for uninterrupted communication in harsh conditions. There are 8 programmable I/O on it. In the event that the system is disabled in any power failure, it ensures that 8 predetermined, critically important systems continue uninterrupted data communication in the same way.

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Data Distribution Systems

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